Foglight ® for Oracle allows database administrators (DBAs) to quickly and efficiently identify performance deviations, determine their root cause, perform comprehensive analyses, and resolve performance bottlenecks. This product provides web-enabled dashboards for centralized visibility, management and health checks for the Oracle instances deployed in your environment, as well as proactive alerting and alarm workflows for tracking your responses to critical performance anomalies.
Foglight for Oracle is an n-tier application, which leverages a web-based user interface to ensure having complete visibility into the Oracle infrastructure wherever an Internet connection is available.
This version of Foglight for Oracle is integrated with SQL Performance Investigator.
These Release Notes cover the resolved issues, known issues, workarounds and other important information about release of Foglight for Oracle. Review all sections before starting installation.
The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in this release.
No data in DB Administration after upgrading FMS but not db cartridge |
Error message in Database Groups after upgrade from 5.9.5 to 6.0.0 |
The following is a list of issues known to exist at the time of release.
PI engine didn't use new credential changed in Connection Details dashboard. Workaround: Reactive the agent after changing the credential. |
RAC agents do not collect data after changed credential from sysdba to nosysdba . Workaround: Refer to the KB: . |
Cannot monitor Extdata due to commands located in folder /usr/sbin. |
Cannot receive email of DBO - Invalid Materialized Views alarm when the agent is RAC one node instance. Select the RAC one node instance(s) in Global view. |
DB instance is still synchronized and displayed in FMS federation master even when it is stopped for some reason and not displayed in the FMS federation child. |
When running user-defined collections on dynamic tables, deleted items are still kept in the topology. As a result, the number of rows displayed on the user-defined collections table will exceed the configured value for maximum allowed rows. |
In the Global Administration > User-defined Collections screen, it is possible to create two collections that bear the same name with a different capitalization (for example: MyCollection and Mycollection); however, only one collection will appear in the topology, and be displayed on the User-defined Collections panel. |
Creation of user-defined collections for a RAC database should be executed by selecting the RAC agent itself and not the RAC and its nodes. |
Using the administration module to configure the sessions screen parameters for a single node in a RAC environment will result in all the RAC nodes being configured with the same parameter. |
User-defined collections that return a variant number of columns (such as select * from ...) will only retrieve the columns that existed during its creation. Any additional columns added at a later time will be ignored. |
Version 5.6.4 and above of the product uses only SSH to connect to Unix hosts. Customers upgrading from previous versions of the product that were using telnet will now be converted to use SSH. |
Customers that are monitoring instances using nslookup/IP and are upgrading to the new version of the product should create the infrastructure cartridge agents themselves manually. |
“Challenge response” credentials do not appear in the advanced lockbox pop up. |
The following metrics display NA when monitoring a RAC one node: |
The current implementation does not support collecting listener data from remote Windows hosts using Windows local execution (the user that is currently running the agent manager). |
The Listener graphs under the Usability dashboard are not populated with data when monitoring RAC One Node. |
The following alarms are displayed in the RAC level instead of the instance level: |
Setting the connection details of a RAC One Node and failing the validation, will result in failure to save the changes. |
The invalid objects exclude list is not supported for RAC and RAC One Node. |
When converting RAC One Node to RAC the OS cluster failover alarm is triggered. |
Upgrading an instance that has a legacy OS cartridge installed on its host will result in creation of the database agent without the creation of the infrastructure agent. |
Foglight for Oracle supports monitoring OS clusters residing on VMware machines only in the configuration of one OS cluster node per data center; monitoring is not possible if two or more cluster nodes are located on different data center, to provide disaster recovery. |
Upgrading an ASM agent that was created manually will result in a malfunctioning ASM agent that requires reconfiguration, unless the following fields in the agent settings are cloned: ASM Instances, Host Details, Environment Variables, Collection Details, and Exclude Diskgroups. |
The Exclude Tablespace feature allows inserting tablespaces only by using the Java regular expression syntax, rather than wildcards. |
When selecting the RSA key connection type in the Exadata, ASM, and CRS installers, after loading the id_rsa file, the dialog box Add Cells is automatically refreshed, thereby resetting all other fields in the dialog box (Host name, User, Passphrase, Port, and sudo) leaving them empty. |
Exadata, ASM, and CRS agents are marked in the upgrade process as 'other agents', even though they are Oracle agents and should be marked as such. |
The Global Administration does not support the CRS, Exadata and ASM agents. As a result, any modification of the settings of the collection frequencies, retention policies, alarms and email notifications for these agents can be carried out only using the default Foglight tools. |
The CRS installation wizard does not support using the connection type Local user, when the monitored host runs on UNIX. Workaround: Use command line installation (CLI) through the Silent Installer tool, which supports this configuration. |
Using a virtual name when creating a CRS agent is not supported by either the CRS installation wizard or the Silent Installer tool (command line installation); both tools only support using a physical name or an IP address. |
In an environment that includes a Foglight Agent Manager concentrator, when upgrading the environment where the concentrator does not contain any regular agents, the concentrator is not upgraded. Therefore, after the upgrade process takes place the Foglight Agent Manager concentrator has to be deployed manually. |
When editing the properties of the Foglight Agent Manager concentrator (Dashboards > Administration > Agents > Agent Status), the name of the Foglight Agent Managers should be entered in the Downstream FglAMs section exactly as they appear in the topology, under Home > Agents > All agents > <Agent name> > RMI data > FglAM host property. |
Oracle monitoring installer does not support validation for the required sudo commands. Therefore, the sudo user should be prepared before using it. For details, see Foglight for Oracle User Guide. |
The following secondary parameters are not cloned when creating an agent using the Oracle Monitoring Installer:
Unless these parameters and cloned and modified by the user, the upgrade process will override them with the default values. |
When a UNIX-based Foglight Agent Manager, which is selected for monitoring a Windows-based Oracle or ASM cluster, is using virtual IP to connect to the Oracle or ASM instance, the OS connection validation fails. Workaround: Use the virtual IP /physical IP/physical host name. |
In order to allow the agent to connect to the remote Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) components on Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 systems, special registry settings are required. For details, see section Configuring Registry Settings for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 in Agent Manager Guide. |
The following dashboards and views may be less responsive than others due to their complexity: |
In environments configured to use Agent Manager in High Availability mode the chosen Agent Manager hosting the SQL PI repository will host watchdog and maintenance agents that cannot participate in the Agent Manager high availability utility. |
The following homepages were removed from the custom dashboards: Interconnect/GCS, Cluster Overview, Sessions, Instance identification and usability and Workload. |
The offloadEfficiency metric has been changed to be internal and inaccessible as of Exadata software version, which causes the Exadata dashboard shows 'n/a' in ID, Name, and Status columns. |
The Databases Global View dashboard shows negative and over 100% values for OS CPU metrics. |
History data is missing if user upgrades the Foglight for Oracle cartridge using the SPM installer. |
The Activity > Storage dashboard stopped responding after clicking any chart in the Tablespaces view in FMS 5.7.1. Workaround: Upgrade the Management Server to version 5.7.5 or later. |
Some error messages showed in the Management Server log, after disabling or enabling Alert log Groups. |
The error “ No views match input type of DBO_Drill_RealTime_InitializationParameters_Instance ” shows on the Databases > Overview > Configuration dashboard. Workaround: This error only occurs on the Foglight Management Server 5.7.0. Upgrade your Management Server to a higher version. |
The error “ For the value “Parameters”, no view is set ” shows on the Databases > ASM dashboard. Workaround: This error only occurs on the Foglight Management Server 5.7.0. Upgrade your Management Server to a higher version. |
The ' -l' command has been deprecated, which causes the infiniband switch operation fails. |
After switchover occurs in the Data Guard environment it takes one hour to see data in the Primary Redo Generation Rate/Standby Apply Rate/Transport Rate charts in the Performance dashboard when database is monitored with SYSDBA credentials. |
The Oracle agent fails to collect some OS related metrics after disabling and re-enabling the Foglight for Oracle cartridge. Workaround: On the Agent Status dashboard, deactivate and re-activate the agent, and then wait for five minutes. |
The destination_name property in the Data Guard dashboard is missing after disabling and re-enabling the Foglight for Oracle cartridge. |
Metrics of the monitored Host display n/a when an inactive host object binds to OracleInstance.participatingHosts. |
In Monitor Oracle Instance dialog box, Agent Manager Host cannot be retrieved when the default FglAM is null and FglAM list contains the Agent Manager which version is lower than system required version. |
The Oracle upsince duration is miscalculated when FMS/FglAM and Oracle DB locate in different timezone. |
Foglight for Oracle fails to validate the connection and grant privileges to data guard agents during the upgrade. Workaround: Skip the validation in upgrade page and go to the Administration > Connection Details dashboard. Change the user role from “Normal” to “SYSDBA”, verify the connection and grant the privileges, and then save your changes. |
Unable to create agents to monitor RAC via Installer Wizard when RAC nodes only support connection with service name. Workaround: Create an agent manually in the Agent Status dashboard, and then change its “monForceSid” in ASP to false. |
If there are two credentials with the same account name existing in the Foglight Management Server, picking one credential in “Set Credential” and “Test connection” might cause the other credential to be updated as well. |
If you select either of DB_Oracle, DB_Oracle_UI, DB_Global_View_UI, SPIRepository* cartridges then click Reset on the Cartridge Inventory dashboard, the upgrade wizard will prompt again. Navigate to the Administration > Rules & Notifications > Manage Registry Variables dashboard. |
It fails to set up an agent to connect Oracle Dataguard 10g. Currently we only support Oracle Dataguard 11g and above. |
Change “Connect as” in “Database Agent Migration” dashboard is not supported. |
When Foglight or the Agent Manager are installed on a VM, it is highly recommended to reserve the following: |
When there are many DB agents with PI enabled in FMS environment and you want to upgrade the cartridge to the latest version, the SQL PI component update might fail. Workaround: Click Cancel on Update SQL PI Failed and click Update SQL PI Components to update again. |
PI agents that use the PI repository on Linux® stop working when upgrading the Foglight for Oracle cartridge. It is recommended to recreate these agents on a Windows®-based PI repository. |
When a blocking condition is detected in Oracle monitoring, the SQL text is missing for the blocking session. This is seen in both SQL PI > Blocking History tab and Activity > Locks dashboard. |
After DB agent restart, there will be a 5 minutes data gap in the SQL PI baseline view. |
Incomprehensible error message is displayed when using local account without hostname prefix to setup PI Repository. Workaround: Use hostname\username to setup PI Repository instead of only using username. |
Enabling SQL PI is only supported when the SQL PI agent manager is installed on one of the following operating systems: |
“Context infos” display null in the Comparison Parameter dashboard. |
When SQL PI for Oracle is monitored side by side with SQL PI for SQL Server, you must upgrade both Foglight for SQL Server and Foglight for Oracle cartridges to the same version. |
In case SQL PI for Oracle is monitored side by side with SQL PI for SQL Server, you must upgrade both Foglight for SQL Server and Foglight for Oracle cartridges to the same version. |
Antivirus exclusions is required for the SQL Server-based SQL PI repository. For more information refer to the Microsoft’s official article . |
SQL PI repository and the Agent Manager running the monitoring Oracle agents (with the SQL PI extension), can reside on Windows64 or Linux64 OS platforms in either combination, as follows: |
Problem: A Validate Win connection failure occurs. If the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor class is invalid, any queries from it will fail. This is used in the OS connections validation. |
Problem: When the FMS (Foglight Management Server) and FglAM (Foglight Agent Manager) are installed on different time zones, the timestamps in the topology are not accurate. The difference from the real timestamp is: |
A Foglight Agent Manager (FglAM) residing on a Linux/UNIX machine cannot use Windows Remote Management (WinRM) to establish connection with Windows server. Connection using WinRM can only be carried out by a an Agent Manager residing on a Windows machine. |
If a CRS, Exadata, or ASM agent is created, deleted, and then recreated with the same name, the nodes from the previous installation will be added to the newly created node. Workaround: Use the relevant tab in the Databases dashboard (ASM, CRS, or Exadata) to delete the nodes. |
The 'Agent configuration failed' error prompts by chance when trying to monitor an Oracle instance. Go to the Agent Status dashboard, then delete the reference agents manually. |
Enabling and disabling an older version of Foglight for Oracle while a newer version is installed may adversely affect the performance of the newer cartridge. Workaround: Disable the newer cartridge and enable it again, thereby overriding the settings of the older cartridge. |
An error log showed in FMS log for loading heatmap component in FMS version before 5.9.3. |
Agent names must be unique. Foglight does not support the same agent name to be applied to more than one agent. |
The Windows System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP) tool and Anti-Virus Protection tools installed on Windows® may negatively impact CPU and system performance of machines running Foglight, Foglight Agent Manager, and the SQL PI repository. To reduce resource consumption, it is highly recommended that you exclude the following directory from being scanned by the protection tools: |
Anti-virus software may negatively impact the CPU and system performance of machines running Foglight. To reduce resource consumption, it is highly recommended to exclude the relevant directory, processes, and executables from being scanned by the anti-virus software. For detailed information, refer to the “Configuring anti-virus exclusion settings” in Installing Foglight on Windows with an Embedded PostgreSQL Database . |
The following is a list of third party issues known to exist at the time of this release.
Cannot import license into installer with license file name XXX.lic. When importing license into installer, change license file name to XXX.license. |
The Foglight Agent Manager (FglAM) failed to restart when upgrading DB Cartridge, which is due to “Could not obtain a deployment lock” error. Workaround: Perform the procedure described in the Knowledge Article 266110 . |
In FIPS-compliant mode, it is required to use at least 2048 RSA and DSA key size to do OS monitoring via SSH connection in DB cartridge. When FglAM version is lower than, FglAM will not check RSA/DSA key size < 2048, and the connection is non-FIPS compliant. |
Oracle Bug 18195919: When monitoring Oracle 12C the Activity > Datafiles I/O Activity dashboard does not show tablespaces of type TEMP. |
Problem: WMI support is affected by the firewall. Workaround: For Windows versions prior to Windows 2008/Vista, use the following steps: Open TCP port: 135.WMI by default uses the port range 1024 to 5000. Port numbers below 5000 may already be in use by other applications and could cause conflicts with your DCOM applications. It is recommended to have at least 100 ports opened, as several system services rely on these RPC ports to communicate with each other.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\Internet For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008: According to Microsoft ( ), the default dynamic port range for TCP/IP has changed in these versions. The new default start port is 49152 and end port is 65535. Subsequently, monitoring instances that run under these operation systems can be carried out by using either of the following options: |
Monitoring an Oracle instance that resides on a Windows 2008R2 or higher requires a workaround as follows: - Browse to and log in - Perform solution SOL65870 |
Some base values are not updated when using the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk WMI class to calculate performance data in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008, because this class does not contain the PercentDiskTime_Base metric. Workaround: A hotfix is available on Microsoft site, . |
Oracle Bug 19509076: V$SEGSTAT table performance issues with Oracle version 12.1.0.x.x. |
MES patch should be applied to support TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocols in Oracle Database Workaround: Apply the MES patch# for Database. The patch can be found in MOS Note 2274242.1. Source: . |
A direct upgrade to Foglight for Oracle is only available from version 5.7.5.x or later. Customers that are running 5.7.x of the product must first upgrade to version 5.7.5.x and then upgrade to version A direct upgrade to Foglight for Oracle 5.7.x is only available from version 5.5.8 or later. Customers that are running earlier versions of the product must first upgrade to version 5.5.8 and then upgrade to version 5.7.x.
For example, if your Foglight for Oracle is version 5.5.8 and you are going to upgrade to version, the upgrade path will be 5.5.8 > 5.7.x > 5.7.5.x (or later) >
Foglight for Oracle requires:
Use the installer file to upgrade both the Foglight Management Server and the Foglight for Oracle cartridge to version
The following Foglight product versions and platforms are compatible with this release.
Before installing or upgrading Foglight for Oracle, ensure that your system meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements.
Before installing Foglight for Oracle, ensure that your system meets the hardware and software requirements detailed in Foglight System Requirements and Platform Support Guide.
Customers running large deployments (that is, with more than 20 agents) should consult the Foglight for Databases Deployment Guide.
The following UNIX programs must be accessible to the user logged on to the UNIX and Linux computers:
In addition, the following platform-specific programs must be available:
The sudo utility allows system administrators to grant specific users (or groups of users) the ability to run certain commands that require administrative privileges as root, without having to log in as administrator.
The programs that can be run using sudo in the various Linux and UNIX operating systems are as follows:
In addition, the following platform-specific programs must be available:
For information on the required privileges, refer to the Foglight for Databases Deployment Guide.
Foglight for Oracle supports monitoring the following platforms:
This section provides a list of references which address the most commonly faced issues relating to remote connectivity, allowing for easy troubleshooting using the vendor's information knowledge base:
Foglight includes a licensing capability that restricts access to those features that are defined in the license. Any Management Server installation requires a license that grants access to server-specific parts of the browser interface and the features associated with them. Foglight cartridges are also license-protected. While some cartridges are covered by the base Foglight license (such as Foglight Agent Manager cartridges and the Foglight for Infrastructure), others may require an additional license.
Foglight for Oracle is covered by the base Foglight license that allows cartridges to be installed. The SQL Performance Investigator extension requires a dedicated license.
The Foglight for Oracle release package contains the following:
Note: This guide replaces the following documents, provided in previous versions of this product: Foglight for Oracle Getting Started Guide, Foglight for Oracle Permissions Guide, and Foglight for Oracle Hardware Sizing Guide.
Additional information is available from the following:
This section contains information about installing and operating this product in non-English configurations, such as those needed by customers outside of North America. This section does not replace the materials about supported platforms and configurations found elsewhere in the product documentation.
This release is Unicode-enabled and supports any character set. In this release, all product components should be configured to use the same or compatible character encodings and should be installed to use the same locale and regional options. This release is targeted to support operations in the following regions: North America, Western Europe and Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Far-East Asia, Japan.
This release has the following known capabilities or limitations: The server will be enabled for Global Operation, but not localized to any particular locale.
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