Foglight® for DB2 LUW

Developed and tested for Foglight Management Server 5.9.2, 5.9.3, and 5.9.4

Release Notes

July 2019


Welcome to Foglight for DB2 LUW

New in this release

Resolved issues and enhancements

Known issues

Upgrade and compatibility

System requirements


Product licensing

Getting started with Foglight for DB2 LUW

About Us


Welcome to Foglight for DB2 LUW

Foglight® for DB2 LUW utilizes a lightweight agent that provides real-time monitoring of all layers of an enterprise application (systems, networks, Internet, and databases) and captures pertinent infrastructure application usage, service, and availability level data used to continually assess the state of an DB2® LUW installation. Using this collected data, Foglight Management Server provides a multi-dimensional view of resource utilization for capacity planning, problem determination, and trend analysis, both real-time and historically.

These Release Notes cover the resolved issues,  known issues, workarounds, and other important information about the release of Foglight for DB2 LUW. Review all sections before starting the installation.


New in this release

Version contains the following new features and updates:

Resolved issues and enhancements

The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in this release.

Defect ID

Resolved Issue


It displays wrong sorting order when sorting by column "Up Since" in the Global View table.


Enhance performance for "Database SQL PI" dashboard in federator FMS console.


Enhance the performance of dashboards when many DB instances are being monitored.


Global View displays no data under some circumstances.


It encounters slow response of dashboards due to too many DB2 debug logs generated.


Databases - SQL PI dashboard sometimes displays blank in the Federation master of Foglight Server.


Enhance Top SQL table to drill down from each SQL statement.


Enhance FMS performance by filtering out all the temp tables in Top Tables Collection.


Issues also resolved in version

The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in release.

Defect ID

Resolved Issue


Fixed the memory issue on current agents dashboard when DB2 server version is higher than v9.7.


It failed to create UnixAgent to monitor AIX host when setting up DB2 monitoring agent.


It displays database number instead of instance number on the DB2 tile of Overview page.


It displays incorrect value of total utilization in the warning message when clicking Global View > Summary > Active Log.


The drilldown link under Global View > Whole Instance > CPU pop-up page is invalid.


"DB2 - Database Log message" alarm is triggered falsely when the invoke switch is configured as OFF in Administration > Diagnostic Log.


The error message showed up on User Level Access page after adding a new user.


Known issues

The following is a list of issues known to exist at the time of this release.

Defect ID

Known Issue


DB instance is still synchronized and displayed in FMS federation master even though it is stopped for some reason and not displayed in the FMS federation child.


Popup message is not clear enough when installing cartridge on FMS version lower than 5.9.2.
Workaround: Click “Info” icon on the right corner of the page and see the warning message.


In Upgrade Wizard, when upgrade finishes (click "Finish" button), there will be low chance that the page will navigate back to the beginning of the Wizard.
In fact the upgrade has already been finished after the first upgrade process. We can directly cancel the second upgrade process. Then, we can validate:
- In Database GlobalView, there should be no "Upgrade Required" displayed.
- In Agent Status, the agents' version should be updated.


If the monitored DB2 server is v9.7.0.10 or v9.7.0.11, the following metrics are not available: Memory Wait, Memory Wait Rate, pureScale Wait, pureScale Wait Rate, Total CPU Wait, Memory Wait (seconds), and pureScale Wait (seconds).


The popup message is not clear enough to tell the reason when it fails to install cartridge on FMS version lower than 5.9.2.
Workaround: See the warning message on the right corner of the page.


DB2 UnixAgentPlus needs to be deleted before adding new DB2 UnixAgent when upgrading DB2 cartridge to


DB2 SQL Performance doesn't support DB2 version lower than v9.7.0.10 (excluding


If you select either of DB_DB2, DB_DB2_UI, DB_Global_View_UI cartridges then click Reset on the Cartridge Inventory dashboard, the upgrade wizard will prompt again.

Workaround: Do the following:

1. Navigate to the Administration > Rules & Notifications > Manage Registry Variables dashboard.

2. Search for "DB2_Is_Fglams_Required_Upgrade".

3. Change its value to "-1".


If your DB2 version is 10.1, granting user permission may fail due to inconsistent parameter().


The Management Server 5.7.1 stops responding when clicking charts on the Tablespaces dashboard.

Workaround: Upgrade the Management Server to 5.7.5 or later.


For DB2 version 9.7 and above, the following metrics are not available due to DB2 limitations: AGENT_USR_CPU_TIME_MS, AGENT_SYS_CPU_TIME_MS, LAST_RESET.


For DB2 version 9.7 and 10.1, some statistics information about db2 background processes is not collected due to DB2 limitation.


The DB2 installer does not support foreign languages on Windows machine.
The DB2 agent should be created manually through Foglight Administration > Agent Status.
The fields that needs to be modified are:

  • DB2 Host - the Physical Host the DB2 instance resides on

  • Port - DB2 port

  • User and Password for the DB2 instance

  • Monitored DB's - the associated Databases **The monitored databases secondary properties should be cloned first.

  • Monitored members - the associated partitions\members **The monitored members secondary properties should be cloned first.

  • DB2 home - DB2 home of the monitored instance

Once the agent was activated, the following errors may be occurred:

  • The agent will fail to detect standby (HADR) databases, so our collections will fail for those databases.

  • DB2_Log_File_Size collection will fail

  • The agent will fail to detect number of active databases, so the metric 'con_local_dbases' in the instance activity will not be set


The Foglight for DB2 LUW Upgrade Wizard does not support the upgrade of external agents if the Agent Manager is not version 5.6.2 or later.
Workaround: Upgrade to Foglight Management Server 5.6.4 or later.


An Agent Manager that is installed on a Windows fail-over cluster as a service that runs on the active node cannot monitor databases that are located on the same cluster. This is an Agent Manager limitation.


The Memory Summary panel and the corresponding alarm display "null" when there are no child pools under a memory pool.


If you have a Foglight for DB2 LUW agent that has never been used to collect data and you upgrade to Foglight for DB2 LUW 5.6.4 or later, you will not be able to activate and use the agent seamlessly. To activate and use the Foglight for DB2 LUW agent seamlessly, you must first create an Infrastructure agent and then manually set up resource mapping for that agent. For information on how to create an Infrastructure agent, see the Infrastructure Cartridge documentation. For information on how to set up resource mapping, see the Foglight Administration and Configuration Help.


When the legacy Cartridge for DB2 LUW and Foglight for DB2 LUW 5.5.x are installed on the same Foglight Management Server and you upgrade the latter to Foglight for DB2 LUW 5.6.4 or later, the online help for the legacy version is no longer available.
1. On the navigation panel, navigate to Administration > Cartridges > Cartridge Inventory.
2. Select the check box next to the DB2_OnlineHelp cartridge.
3. Click Disable to disable the cartridge.
4. Click Enable to enable the cartridge.
When you are finished, both online help versions are displayed in the action panel.


For DB2 version below 9.7, the CPU collected and displayed for a monitored instance is the CPU for only the monitored databases under that instance. The instance CPU does not include the CPU for any databases that are under the instance, and are not monitored.


When monitoring an instance running on Windows using a Foglight Agent Manager that is running on a non-Windows platform, open file descriptors are not closed correctly.

Workaround: On the Foglight Agent Manager machine, the "description" limit is configured to "1024". This value should be defined as "unlimited" or to a larger number, for example "65535".


The "Error executing script" error shows in the server log, if user clicks any tab or component on the Global View.


The Databases dashboard does not appear after user upgrades the Foglight for DB2 LUW to using SPM installer.


Need to wait for more than ten minutes between the upgrade of the Foglight Management Server and Foglight for DB2 LUW.


The tasks listed below cannot be accomplished from the central Foglight Management Server (the federation master):

  • Creating agents

  • Administering agents

  • Viewing a monitored instance from the federation master which is defined under two or more federation child server.


This release of Foglight for DB2 LUW supports adding databases to existing instances only using the Databases Management view in the Databases Administration dashboard.

Third party known issues

The following is a list of third party issues known to exist at the time of this release.

Cartridge-related issues

Defect ID

Known Issue


The Foglight Agent Manager (FglAM) failed to restart when upgrading DB Cartridge, which is due to "Could not obtain a deployment lock" error.

Workaround: Perform the procedure described in the Knowledge Article 266110.


WMI-related issue

Problem: WMI support is affected by the firewall on versions of Windows prior to Windows 7.

Workaround: For Windows versions prior to Windows Server 2008/Vista, use the following steps:

  1. Open TCP port: 135.
    WMI by default uses the port range 1024 to 5000.

  2. Open up a range of ports above port 5000.
    Port numbers below 5000 may already be in use by other applications and could cause conflicts with your DCOM applications.
    It is recommended to have at least 100 ports opened, as several system services rely on these RPC ports to communicate with each other.

  3. Add the registry key, including additional ports.

    • Use the RPCCfg.exe (Windows Resource Kits) by running: rpccfg.exe -pe 5009-5009 -d 0

    • Manually add the registry keys under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\Internet

For Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008:

According to Microsoft (, the default dynamic port range for TCP/IP has changed in these versions. The new default start port is 49152 and end port is 65535. Subsequently, monitoring instances that run under these operation systems can be carried out by using either one of the following options:

  • Configure the firewalls to allow traffic between servers in the dynamic port range of 49152 through 65535 (less secure).

  • Limit the port range that is used in each monitored server.


Monitoring a DB2 instance which resides on Windows Server 2008R2 or higher requires the following workaround:

  1. Browse to and log in.

  2. Implement the instructions provided in solution SOL65870.

Windows-related issues

Defect ID

Known Issue


Some base values are not updated when using the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk WMI class to calculate performance data in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008, because this class does not contain the PercentDiskTime_Base metric.

Workaround: A hotfix is available on Microsoft's Web site, at


Upgrade and compatibility

To upgrade Foglight for DB2 LUW, follow the instructions in the Managing DB2 Database Systems User and Reference Guide.

A direct upgrade to Foglight for DB2 is only available from version 5.7.5.x or later. Customers that are running 5.7.x of the product must first upgrade to version 5.7.5.x and then upgrade to version A direct upgrade to Foglight for DB2 5.7.x is only available from version 5.5.8 or later. Customers that are running earlier versions of the product must first upgrade to version 5.5.8 and then upgrade to version 5.7.x.

For example, if your Foglight for DB2 LUW is version 5.5.8 and you are going to upgrade to version, the upgrade path will be 5.5.8 >  5.7.x  > 5.7.5.x (or later) >

Foglight for DB2 LUW requires:


The following Foglight product versions and platforms are compatible with this release. 

Product Name

Product Version


Foglight Management Server




All platforms supported by these versions of the Foglight Management Server

Foglight Agent Manager
Note: The monitoring agents available in this version of Foglight for DB2 LUW support the Agent Manager HA failover mode. For more information about this mode, see the Agent Manager Guide.




All platforms supported by these versions of the Foglight Agent Manager


System requirements

Before installing Foglight for DB2, ensure your system meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements:

System requirements

Before installing Foglight for DB2 LUW, ensure that your system meets the hardware and software requirements detailed in Foglight System Requirements and Platform Support Guide.

Customers running large deployments (that is, with more than 20 agents) should consult the Foglight for DB2 LUW Hardware Sizing Guide.

UNIX server and programs

The following UNIX programs must be accessible to the user logged on to the UNIX and Linux computers:

In addition, the following platform-specific programs must be available:

Required privileges

For information on the required privileges, refer to the Foglight for DB2 LUW Getting Started Guide.

Supported platforms

The operating system platforms and versions of DB2 that are supported for monitoring by Foglight for DB2 LUW are the following.

Operating System Version OS Architecture 32-bit 64-bit DB2 LUW Version
ESE version 9.5 ESE version 9.7 Version 9.8 (pureScale) Version 10.1 Version 10.5 Version 11.1
Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5.x
IBM z Systems  
POWER System - Big Endian  
x86-64, x86-32
Suse Linux Enterprise 10 x86-64
Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS x86-64    
10.04 LTS
12.04 LTS
14.04 LTS
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Server 2003 R2
Server 2008
Server 2012
Server 2012 R2
Server 7
Server 8
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 8.1 x86-64, x86-32    
Solaris 9 SPARC          
11 SPARC        
AIX 5.3 POWER System - Big Endian          
POWER System - Big Endian  

Note: DB2 Version 9.1.0 is no longer supported.

Linux on IBM System z support

Foglight for DB2 LUW supports the monitoring of instances that are installed on Linux on System z. The supported monitored instance versions are the same as specified in the list above for the Linux platform.

Note: IBM® DB2® pureScale is currently not supported for Linux on IBM System z.

HADR support

Foglight for DB2 LUW supports monitoring an environment configured to use HADR by creating agents to monitor each one of the nodes separately (applies for both primary nodes and secondary).

Physical partition

Foglight for DB2 LUW supports a physical partition. When monitoring a physical partition, ensure you create the agent using the agent installer on the coordinator host.

Workgroup edition

Foglight for DB2 LUW supports monitoring a workgroup edition instance.

OS Cluster support

Foglight for DB2 LUW supports monitoring an instance that is installed in an OS cluster environment.

To enable monitoring, follow the instructions on “Host connectivity settings” screen in the installation wizard:
• Mark the "instance residing on an OS cluster".
• Make sure the virtual host name point to the virtual host name. This name will be used to install the DB2 agent and the IC agent.

pureScale support

Foglight for DB2 LUW supports monitoring a pureScale environment (except on Linux on IBM System z).



This section provides a list of references which address the most commonly faced issues relating to remote connectivity, allowing for easy troubleshooting using the vendor's information knowledgebase:


Product licensing

Foglight includes a licensing capability that restricts access to those features that are defined in the license. Any Management Server installation requires a license that grants access to server-specific parts of the browser interface and the features associated with them. Foglight cartridges are also license-protected. While some cartridges are covered by the base Foglight license (such as Foglight Agent Manager cartridges and the Foglight for Infrastructure), others may require an additional license.

Foglight for DB2 is covered by the base Foglight license that allows cartridges to be installed.

To activate a trial or a purchased commercial license:

  1. On the navigation panel, under Dashboards, click Administration > Setup > Manage Licenses.
  2. Click Install.
  3. In the Install License dialog box, click Browse.
  4. In the file browser that appears, specify the location of the license file.
  5. In the Install License dialog box, click Install License.


Getting started with Foglight for DB2 LUW

Contents of the release package

The Foglight for DB2 release package contains the following:

  1. Foglight for DB2 cartridge: 
  2. Product documentation, including:

Installation instructions

Refer to the Foglight for DB2 LUW Getting Started Guide for installation instructions and prerequisites.

Determine your environment hardware requirements using the Foglight for DB2 LUW Hardware Sizing Guide.

Additional resources

Additional information is available from the following:


This section contains information about installing and operating this product in non-English configurations, such as those needed by customers outside of North America. This section does not replace the materials about supported platforms and configurations found elsewhere in the product documentation.
This release is Unicode-enabled and supports any character set. In this release, all product components should be configured to use the same or compatible character encodings and should be installed to use the same locale and regional options. This release is targeted to support operations in the following regions: North America, Western Europe and Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Far-East Asia, Japan.
This release has the following known capabilities or limitations: The server will be enabled for Global Operation, but not localized to any particular locale.  


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