5.5.6 +Replication support added to cartridge. Includes new data, rules, configuration options, and a sample dashboard displaying all replication data collected by an agent. +Fixed bug where tablespace Innodb free data causes error if string does not include "kB" +Created workaround for bug in MySQL/J connector when dealing with with large result sets. Turn "Reuse Connections" to false when dealing with more than several thousand tablespaces or experiencing OutOfMemory Errors. 5.5.8 +Updated data submission methods and topology. +Fixed bug where alerts did not contain associated agent and host information. +Added support in Agent Properties for connecting remotely-monitored MySQL Server with correct host, if available. +Added new rule "Long Running Queries" and supporting registry variables. +Fixed minor WCF bugs +Fixed issue where MySQL connection failure stops Connection Status collection +Fixed issue where data collection would not properly resume after a server failure if connection pool is used 5.6.4 +Added support for MySQL Slow Query Log monitoring, including a Slow Queries dashboard, rules, and registry variables. +Upgraded devkit to 5.6.2. +Minor WCF upgrades. +Added option to skip initial connection test. +Fixed Slow Query Log parser to parse User line where hostname is blank. +Added server port number to MySQL Global View table. +The word "Tablespaces" in the dashboards has been changed to Tables to prevent confusion with disk allocations for tables. +Added new collection of Table Locks to show # of locks in use or requested per table and whether table is name locked. This information is available on the Tables page (Name Locked can be made visible in table customizer). This data is only gathered for non-temporary tables. +In MySQL Server dashboard Sessions table, replaced Connections and Max Connections metrics with Used Connections, Sleeping Connections, and Table Lock Waits (# of queries waiting for a table to become unlocked). +Added "Used Connections Reaching Limit" rule to alert when used connections is approaching connection limit specified by server. +Top Sessions collection now collects full SQL statements and host information, displayed on Current Connections page. +Modified TableLockWaits derived metric to accept optional minimum time for counting a session as waiting for a table lock. +Added "Too Many Sleeping Connections" rule to alert when MySQL server has sleeping connections exceeding specified thresholds. Rule is disabled by default. +Added "Query Waiting For Table Lock" rule to create alarm when a query has been waiting for a table lock longer than specified time. Registry variable "MySQL_Monitor_Table_Lock" must also evaluate to true for scoped server. +Modified HitRate rules to delay evaluation until DB server uptime is longer than registry variable "delay PerformanceRule" (default is 180 minutes). +Disabled read-only setting on temp file created during Slow Query Log SSH collection to prevent deletion failures on some systems. +Fixed bug preventing temp file deletion. 5.6.11 +Upgraded to FglAM Devkit 5.6.11 +Upgraded MySQL/J connector to 5.1.29 +Additional connection-related metrics added - found on Current Connections page and Connection Status in Server Metrics Dashboard. +Table data now includes engine, row format, index size, key block size data, shown on Tables page. +Table collection now ignores tables in performance_schema DB +Index structure collection added - All indexes can be viewed by clicking on Indexes on Server View. For indexes belonging to only one table, hover or click on Indexes value on Tables page. +Innodb compression performance collection added (5.5+) - Metrics per page size and memory page size available on Server Metrics dashboard. +Innodb blocked transactions collection added (5.5+) - Click Blocked Transactions count on the Server View dashboard to go to the Blocked Transactions page. Minimum wait time for blocked trx collection can be set in Agent Properties. +New rules - "High Percentage of Connection Failures", "High Percentage of Compression Failures", "High Percentage of Index Compression Failures", and "Blocked Transaction Alarm Generator". +Added Workload metric (5.6.3+) and StartTime property to MySQL Global and MySQL Server views. +Added Configuration monitoring and Configuration dashboard. The Configuration dashboard contains a graph of configuration changes and the table displays one line for each variable. The current value is the most recent value in the timeRange while the start value is the value at the beginning of the time range. Adjust the time range or click on a graph section to look at a different time period. +Added option to include or discard Views from Table collection. +Added MYSQLADMIN registry variable for use in e-mail alerting. +Fixed bug in Connection_Status collection. +Agent now has verified compatibility up to MariaDB 5.5. +Added DBType property in Database_Information to distinguish MySQL servers from MariaDB. +Added Schema, ThreadIDs, and Query Cache Hit percentage to Slow Query tracking for MariaDB. +MySQL User and MySQL Admin roles have been added. MySQLAdmin role will have permission to perform administrative actions on the MySQL server when that functionality becomes available. Dashboard access is now restricted to Administrator, Advanced Operator, and new MySQL roles. +New Rule "MySQL Alarm Email Forwarder" when enabled will forward all MySQL-related alarms to e-mail addresses in registry variable "MYSQLADMIN". Registry variable "MySQL_Alarm_Severity" can be set to only forward alarms of x severity and above. +Fixed bug with collection of multi-column indexes. +Fixed bug that created slight variability in MySQL server start time calculations. +Added Administration Panel dashboard with a number of administrative actions able to be performed from the console if Administration is enabled in Agent Properties. Foglight user must have MySQL Administrator role to access this dashboard. Administration Log also keeps history of actions. +Added Statement Digests dashboard which provides aggregate statistics on statements with same execution plan for MySQL 5.6.5+ with performance_schema enabled. +MySQL perspective now included in Databases dashboard with Quick View and agent start/stop. +Added "MySQL Cleared Alarm Email Forwarder rule". Sends an e-mail when MySQL-related alarm has been cleared. Configured similarly to "MySQL Cleared Alarm Email Forwarder" rule, using "MySQL_Cleared_Alarm_Severity" registry variable instead to set minimum alarm threshold. +Added new reports "Top Statement Digests", "MySQL Server Configuration", "MySQL Server Configuration Comparison", "Top MySQL Servers by Connections" in the MySQL>Reports module. Templates are accessible from the Reports dashboard. +Handler and Join metrics are now delta counts rather than total counts. Metrics NumReqReadRNDNextTotal and TableScansPct have been added to Handler metrics. +Added GrowthRate metric for tables and new graph to Tables dashboard. +"Table Scans Excessive" rule has been simplified using new TableScansPct metric and TableScansExcessive____ registry variables have been modified to adapt to the new expression. Behavior is now 4 out of 5 hits to fire. +Relevant/Allowed roles for MySQL dashboards now require Administrator, MySQL Administrator, or MySQL User roles with the exception of the MySQL Administration Panel dashboard, which requires the MySQL Administrator role. +Agent JVM settings are now configurable. Settings can be edited in FglAM_root_directory\agents\MySQLAgent\version-num\config\agent.manifest. +Removed Maintain Connection Pool option from agent properties. Agent will no longer keep sleeping connections on server. +Fixed bug in MySQL Statement Digest collection for statements where schema is null. +Fixed bug in collection of KeyBlockSize in table collection. +Fixed MySQL Administrator role conflict when upgrading from +Fixed bug with global status collection from MySQL servers previous to 5.1.12. +Added TotalMemory to MySQLAgent>Database_Information, representing total potential memory usage for the MySQL server. +Added file/temp table metrics to MySQLAgent>Table_Stats +Fixed bug with MariaDB 10 collection. 5.7.5 +Upgraded to FglAM Devkit +Agent now runs in-process and automatically requests additional memory for large instances. MySQLAgent package pre-allocates memory for 4 agents when deployed. For sizing FglAM host memory, a Foglight for MySQL Memory Tuning Worksheet is available on the SMA FTP. +New reports - Executive Summary and Health check +New rule - High Avg Wait Time for Statement +New Statement Digests dashboard and statement drilldown page +Explain Plan for statements available on request from MySQL Administration Panel dashboard and Statement Details page. User must have MySQL Administrator role and agent must have an Admin User with necessary privileges and Enable Explain Plans set to true. +Added Total Statements count to MySQL Server dashboard +Added Opened and Temporary File/Table metrics to MySQL Server dashboard +Added max memory to MySQL Server dashboard, the maximum calculated memory usage based on configuration settings. +Fixed bug with Database_Information collection for some MySQL versions. +Fixed rounding error in dynamic memory allocation with minor impact. +Added more space to MySQL Server dashboard columns for larger text sizes. +Added vertical scrollbar and search field for MySQL Selector dialog. +Compatible with MySQL 5.7 +Instituted workaround for bug in FglAM preventing agent upgrades due to faulty memory constraint check. MySQLAgent Xms has been reduced to 32MB until FglAM is released. +Fixed bug with ConnectionStatus collection if MySQL server goes down. +Upgraded DB_Global_View_UI cartridge to +Fixed bug with MariaDB collection of global status data. +Fixed collection bug for several derived metrics in MySQL Connection Status. +Fixed potential Statement Digest dashboard error with table. +Changed Statement Digest dashboard main graph to show abbreviated query text in legend rather than hash key. +Fixed bug in Email Forwarder rules. +Removed unnecessary logging from MySQL Agent connection process. +Moved MySQL Quick View to MySQL module. +Minor bug fixes and alterations to Statement Digest dashboard. +Upgraded MySQL JDBC connector to 5.1.39. +Added support for an SSL connection and PAM module cleartext password authentication. 15/Mar/17 +Added Galera cluster monitoring ++New dashboards - Galera Clusters, Galera Node ++New report - Galera Cluster Summary ++New Rules ---Galera Cluster Health ---Galera Node Disconnected ---Galera Node Not Ready ---Galera Node EVS Latency ---Galera Node Flow Control Paused ---Galera Overloaded Send Queue ---Galera Overloaded Receive Queue 14/Apr/17 +Started topology transition to agent-independent data model. Unless explicitly referencing the agent, the MySQLServer topology object should be used as the root data node in all cases. MySQLServer objects can be accessed from the MySQLRoot Data Model. The MySQLAgent object will retain all references for an unspecified period for compatibility, but will eventually be stripped of all child objects except those inherited from the Agent class and the mysqlServer reference. +Added in-page navigation for MySQL dashboards +MySQL users and privileges are now monitored and shown on the Connections page. +Added Database summary information to Tables page +New Administration function - Describe Table +Administrative operations are now logged to general agent log +New Rule - "MySQL Server Running Out of Disk Space" +New Reports --Users Report - Shows information on MySQL users, connections, and privileges. --Storage Report - Shows information on MySQL server storage capacity, growth rate, etc. 12/May/17 +Fixed potential issue with line breaks in server configuration variable value being written into *ConfigData.properties file and causing an error during reading. 24/May/17 +Fixed bug in Long Running Query rule +Added schema_name to Statement Digest identity properties in case of another query to different schema shares same digest hash 24/May/17 +Fixed potential bug in alarm forwarder rules with MySQLServer topology type. 05/Sep/17 +Updated DB_Global_View_UI to +Added paths for required context to reports. +Changed default number of statements in Statement graph to 5. 20/Oct/17 +Added Failed Logins information to Connections page. +Created Failed Logins Report +Create two new rules "Authentication Errors" and "Non-Authentication Errors" +Fixed report visibility for certain Foglight roles. +Added navbar to Replication page. 18/May/18 +Updated DB_Global_View_UI to +Limited upstream max disk space to 2048MB. +Removed unit names in Server Overview dashboard's Buffer Pool table when not scaled. +Fixed "High Avg Wait Time for Statement" rule not using queryWaitMultiplier registry variable. +Changed Workload calculation's statement timing queried data type from long to double to account for very large values. 1/Jun/18 +Updated JDBC driver to 5.1.46 +Automatically disabled query cache collection for MySQL 8.0+ (no longer used) 12/Jul/18 +Added FglAM permissions file to allow an operation occasionally called by new JDBC driver. 7/Sep/18 +Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to 8.0.12. +Supported MySQL versions are now 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0. +Added connection options for public key retrieval and local public key to Agent Properties. +Blocked Transactions collection now compatible with MySQL 8.0.1+ +Removed Query Cache collection scheduling for MySQL 8 (Query cache no longer exists). +Changed Statements Exec'd metric on Overview page from Query Cache/StatementsExecPerSec to new metric - Statements/num_statements_rate. Added property history table to MySQL Configuration dashboard. +Added Current Connections report. +Associated Reports with relevant dashboards. +Removed 'sys' database tables from table lock collection. +Removed Home Page purpose from dashboards. +Removed customized upstream queue settings from agent. 22/Sep/18 +Added Time Zone Override to the agent properties. +Added new connection options to Agent Installer Wizard 12/Oct/18 +Added ability to limit number of statements collected to agent properties. +Added option to enable/disable dynamic memory allocation to agent properties. +Added option to disable table and index collections by individual database to agent properties. +Added 'sys' and 'n/a' schema name to Statements dashboard bar chart and default table filter. +Added avg_row_length to Table metrics. +Reduced burst memory usage of large table/index collections in agent. +Fixed bug causing overwriting of statements with same digest in agent. 21/Dec/18 +Added client time zone override to agent properties. 09/Jan/19 -Email notification via Databases dashboard implemented. -Updated cartridge author. -Updated DB_Global_View_UI to v5.9.3.20. -Added SMA_DB_Global cartridge at v5.9.3.20.