Foglight® 5.9.3
Release Notes
July 2018
Resolved issues and enhancements
Quest's Foglight® solution simplifies application performance monitoring and reduces the skills and effort required to manage applications, the user experience, and the supporting infrastructure.
Unlike other solutions, Foglight uses a single code base, and has a model-driven design that couples fast deployment and accelerated time-to-value. It offers the modular flexibility required to deliver a range of capabilities and sophistication to meet the needs of any organization—from those still focused on technology-centric monitoring to those that have completed the transition to application-centric or transactional monitoring.
Foglight performs equally well in physical, virtual, and mixed infrastructure environments, providing visibility into issues affecting the application and end-user experience. Intuitive workflows help you quickly move from the symptom to the root cause in the application, database, infrastructure, or network to resolve issues, reducing mean time to resolution. Predefined and drag-and-drop dashboards provide insight that is tailored to each stakeholder. By offering comprehensive visibility into your monitored environment, Foglight helps ensure that cross-functional teams collaborate on and prioritize issues that matter most to the business.
These Release Notes cover the resolved issues, known issues, workarounds, and other important information about the 5.9.3 release of Foglight. Review all sections before starting the installation.
Note: Foglight will be discontinuing support for the following operating systems starting with the next Foglight release: 32-bit Windows, 32-bit Linux, Solaris SPARC64, and Solaris 86-64. If you are still using these platforms and need further assistance, contact Quest Support.
The 5.9.3 release of the Foglight Management Server contains the following new features and enhancements:
User Experience
Foglight Command Line
Topology Objects, Notifications, and Registry Variables
Support Bundles
Supported platform
Third party libraries
Foglight Agent Manager
The Foglight Agent Manager (FglAM) was upgraded to version 5.9.3. For more information about the Foglight Agent Manager 5.9.3, refer to the Foglight Agent Manager 5.9.3 Release Notes.
The Infrastructure cartridge was upgraded to version 5.9.3. For more information about the Foglight for Infrastructure 5.9.3, refer to the Foglight for Infrastructure 5.9.3 Release Notes.
The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in this release. For a list of resolved issues for the Foglight Agent Manager and the Infrastructure cartridge at the time of the Foglight 5.9.3 release, see the Foglight Agent Manager 5.9.3 Release Notes and Foglight for Infrastructure 5.9.3 Release Notes.
Defect ID |
Resolved Issue |
WCF-16115 |
Fixed issue where the Database dashboard occasionally displays a blank page. |
WCF-16082 |
Some cartridges were not enabled when the Foglight Management Server starts the first time, without installing any license. |
WCF-16062 |
On the Alarm Filter dialog box, the "Alarm filter criteria is too broad" error prompts when using the filter of agent type with "DB_SQL_Server". |
FGL-19798 |
Fixed issue where IP/Host binding does not work anymore in the Management Server 5.9.2. |
FGL-19816 FGL-19772 FGL-19672 |
Fixed vulnerabilities on the following CVEs: |
FGL-19720 |
Fixed issue where the embedded the configuration file baseline.jvmargs.config was overwritten during upgrade to the Management Server 5.9.2. |
FGL-19662 | Fixed issue where the number of idle connections was used as AvailableConnectionCount. |
FGL-19637 |
Fixed issue where the agent's tag definition did not work. |
FGL-19606 |
When deleting an agent from one blackout, the other blackouts of this agent will be removed as well. |
The following is a list of issues known to exist at the time of this release.
Note: Check the release notes for each cartridge you will be using for known and late-breaking issues with that cartridge.
For a list of known issues for Foglight Agent Manager in this release, see the Foglight Agent Manager 5.9.3 Release Notes.
Foglight for Automation is not supported:
See below for details. These limitations will be addressed in a future release.
When a Foglight Management Server running in High Availability mode fails over, all in-progress tasks fail and the system cannot recover them.
The Foglight Cartridge for Automation should not be installed, and workflow automation must not be used, on a Foglight Federation Master. This is because active tasks that update topology objects are not permitted on the Federation Master. Workflow automation may be installed and used on the Federated Child(ren) as usual.
Defect ID |
Known Issue |
WCF-15913 |
Custom rules (which are copied from existing cartridge rules) will drop some tables or charts that exist in the original Alarm dialog. Contact Quest Support for workaround. |
FGL-19877 |
The upgrade to version 5.9.3 completes successfully but the installation log contains shorcut creation failures. |
FGL-19479 |
The Management Server UI will possibly be displayed abnormally if Tomcat version is upgraded. Workaround: Clear the cache data of your web browser. |
FGL-19431 |
If you toggled enable/disable state for Alarm Integration, Incident Integration, Clear Integration Alarm, or QMX Agent Host Connection Rule rule in the Integration cartridge, its enable/disable state will be reset after upgrading to 5.9.x from |
FGL-19283 |
When upgrading the Management Server from to 5.9.x, unexpected CartridgeDeploymentException shows in the log file. Workaround: This exception only occurs in environments with those cartridges which define Java Archive or JBoss Artifacts component, like Integration and IntelliProfile cartridges. JBoss Server has been removed from the Management Server 5.9.x. As a result, JBossDeploymentHandler, which was used to handle above components, has also been removed from the Management Server 5.9.2 or later. If you encounter this issue, you could ignore it as this exception does not impact upgrade of the Management Server and relevant cartridges. |
FGL-18953 |
After first installing this version of the Foglight Management Server,
EU appliances may fail to connect with the Foglight Management Server. Workaround: Restart the Foglight Management Server after the installation. |
FGL-18611 | LDAP accounts may fail to bind to the OU group whose name includes backslash characters '\'. This can prevent Foglight to authenticate LDAP users. |
FGL-18470 | FSMService availability calculations do not work as expected in a service hierarchy. |
FGL-18125 |
FoglightShutdownAction.checkInUsedPort() does not load port settings from server.config during an upgrade. |
FGL-18122 |
In a Windows Single-Sign ON (SSO) with untrusted multiple domains, only the user with the keytab file-corresponding group can be imported. |
FGL-18076 |
The Management Server data-driven multiple severity rules may fire multiple times for the same severity in case of concurrent data submissions. |
FGL-18075 |
The rule engine may pass non-persisted alarm IDs to rule actions. This can prevent some alarms, that are generated multiple times against the same scoping object, from firing. |
FGL-18034 | PostgreSQL fails to start up while installing the Management Server with an embedded PostgreSQL database on a Korean OS. |
FGL-17845 |
Failing to start the Management Server with the --host=*.*.*.* option due to a failed attempt to start the embedded database. |
FGL-17826 |
LDAP users may have to log in twice to get proper role assignments. |
FGL-17769 |
Foglight is configured with a list of default ciphers. Some of these ciphers are potentially vulnerable ciphers. A review of the ciphers that will be available in a future release is ongoing. Workaround: Edit the list of ciphers by completing the following steps:
For complete information, visit |
FGL-17768 |
The Management Server distribution layout contains some confusing directories under server/jboss. |
FGL-17415 | ObservationQueryPlan$QueryStep.getDayIndex(...) can result in ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions during a Daylight Savings Time (DST) change. |
FGL-17162 |
Core monitoring policy derivations are not deployed on a Federated Master. |
FGL-17055 |
Excluded objects are sometimes included in a Federation topology synchronization. |
FGL-17015 |
A Foglight Agent Manager that is no longer in use maintains a stale disconnected RemoteObject instance under the host object. This causes the host to appear as undefined on the Hosts dashboard, even though the host is monitored by Foglight for Infrastructure. |
FGL-16508 |
When federation.config does not contain any queries, TopologySynchService mistakenly logs the following warning: WARN Obsolete federated topology object purge will not be performed because the following federated servers are not connected: ... |
FGL-16487 |
Topology loading can fail for topology objects that have been converted to DataObjects. |
FGL-16439 |
Type-based exclusions in federation.config do not apply to referenced objects. |
FGL-16432 |
String observations containing reserved characters in script agents are not supported. |
FGL-16388 |
The alarm email notification code does not persist any information about notification alarms that were previously sent. If the server is restarted, all alarms appear as new, and the notifications are resent. |
FGL-16166 |
Hibernate/JDBC errors occurring while loading rules return an empty list. |
FGL-16163 |
Cleared credential alarms are found when querying for alarms that are not cleared. |
FGL-4498 |
Simple rules that report alarms directly are not affected by blackouts. |
FXM-880 | Diagnose link doesn't work on the Master FMS |
Defect ID |
Known Issue |
FADUI-1149 |
An attempt to import external groups results in the following error: Could not execute the requested operation, error(s) had occurred: Failed to retrieve groups, please make sure you correctly configured the Directory Services, check log for details. The log, however, does not contain any errors. |
FGLUI-11228 |
After changing the value of the registry value, some of the performance
calendars may disappear from the list. |
FGLUI-11009 |
When editing properties from the Agent Status dashboard or the Agent
Properties dashboard in Chrome 17, some edit fields are not available.
FGLUI-10834 |
The Cartridge Inventory page is currently unable to alert users if a cartridge install fails due to lack of space in the server's temp directory. An error is written to the log files. |
FGLUI-10788 |
When editing secondary agent property tables from either the Agent
Status or Agent Properties dashboards, performing Add and Delete
operations at the same time results in all Added items being deleted.
FGLUI-10504 |
Selecting the time range "All" on the Service Details dashboard can result in the page getting stuck refreshing. Avoid using the "All" time range on this page. |
FGLUI-10456 |
Selections made on the Service Selector tab of the Select services and tiers to monitor dialog box of the SOC become unselected when you switch to the Tier Selector tab and back again. |
FGLUI-10323 |
The first time the Environment Report is run it may generate a warning:
- Text ... did not fit. in view ..." |
FGLUI-10036 |
Credential alarm messages sometimes contain UUIDs for objects related to
the alarm. |
FGLUI-8261 |
When using a Federation Master that is a newer version than the Federated Child, it is possible to get warnings about missing metrics. This occurs when new metrics have been added to the Federation Master's version. The warnings indicate that the Federated Child does not provide these metrics, and they will cease when the Federated Child is upgraded to the same version as the Federation Master. |
FGLUI-7817 |
When editing secondary agent property lists, the Delete Selected Row(s) button marks the rows to be deleted by graying them out. Save changes must be selected to delete the selected rows. If a required field is blank, then a value must be entered before the row can be marked for deletion. |
FGLUI-7729 |
In the Service Builder and Service Operation Console (SOC) dashboards, when alarm filters are configured, they are applied to the main dashboards (Service Builder and SOC dashboards) and to some first level popups only. The alarm filters are not applied throughout all popups/drilldowns at any level. |
FGLUI-7593 |
When reviewing Alarms on a Federation Master, you are able to open a link to view the rule that fired the alarm on the Federated Child. This involves opening the console of the Federated Child. If the Federated Child is of an older version than the Federation Master, an error page is displayed. |
FGLUI-7377 |
Under rare conditions, if the session is allowed to expire while viewing some of the views in the Administration dashboard, the process of logging in again displays the Administration view without any decoration around the side panels. Workaround: To clear this condition, close the browser. Do not save your session if the browser prompts you to save the last session configuration. Instead, start the browser and log in again. |
FGLUI-7356 |
The column layout on the Agent Status Page does not allow resizing of columns, which can result in the host name appearing truncated. |
FGLUI-7333 |
An error message stating "Error getting value of context entry with key:timeRange" can appear in the logs when using the popup menu on the Origin field of the Alarm Details dialog. |
FGLUI-6874 |
If a Federation Master Server connects to an older version Federated
Child, the Federated Child may have some of the objects that are no
longer associated with the Management Server Performance Report and
Foglight Server Diagnostic views on the Federation Master. This results
in some data about the Federated Child being unavailable to this report
and views. |
FGLUI-5990 |
Inconsistency in the number of alerts shown in the "All Alarms Chart" and "Alarm List with Filter" in the Alarms dashboard. |
FGLUI-5708 |
Display all available scoping objects in the condition editor for copied and user-created rules. |
FGLUI-4628 |
On systems with a large numbers of hosts, the Host Table view can be slow to display. |
FGLUI-4544 |
Foglight 4 Tabular views generate an error when the time range has "Auto" granularity. |
FGLUI-3509 |
The edit rule definition for an alarm from a Federated Child brings up a page for editing a rule on the Federation Master, rather than for the rule that triggered the alarm. This occurs because it is not possible to perform administration from the Federation Master. |
FGLUI-3440 |
When the user pastes data using right-click > Paste to
a box that automatically updates itself (for example, the edit agent
properties screen), the user interface does not automatically refresh
itself. |
FGLUI-3430 |
When agent activation fails, the "Activating" status box does not show the status of the failed start agent. |
FGLUI-1906 |
The Service Levels Details page does not show cleared alarms for Service Level Policy. |
FGLUI-257 |
Seconds should be displayed in the startTime and endTime in the WCF under Browse > Data when granularity is set to "raw". |
WCF-13385 |
QP5 needs to be upgraded to the latest version. |
WCF-12581 |
In Internet Explorer 8, when the number of dashboard nodes in the navigation panel exceeds the maximum that can be displayed without a scrollbar, the scrollbar does not immediately appear. |
WCF-10580 |
Tree Table list nodes should not be clickable or dwellable. |
WCF-7344 |
PDF charts and files that were requested through a proxy fail and result in a Connection Refused error. Note that this error only applies to requests made by the Management Server. |
WCF-5895 |
Vertical scrollbar not shown for the text area. |
The following is a list of third party issues known to exist at the time of this release. For a list of third party issues related to the Foglight Agent Manager at the time of the Foglight 5.9.3 release, see the Foglight Agent Manager 5.9.3 Release Notes.
Defect ID |
Known Issue |
FGL-5691 |
The Foglight Management Server generates an "Unable to load Java VM shared library to start JVM" message when attempting to start the Management Server on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.0 VMware machine. This is caused by the SELinux security code on newer RedHat systems. There are two workarounds:
This issue is addressed in the Sun JDK 1.6.0 release notes: |
FGL-3677 |
Console Mode. Returning to a previous step in the installation process
after being prompted for a user password, the input is not recognized. |
FGL-2882 |
Installation: Console Mode. Some characters of the Administrator's password
are not hidden if typed too quickly. |
WCF-9735 |
When typing words containing "ss" in the online help search, a
null pointer exception is generated. |
See the Foglight 5.9.x Upgrade Guide for information about upgrading Foglight and for a list of the latest cartridge versions that are compatible with Foglight Management Server 5.9.3.
For information about system requirements for this release, see the Foglight 5.9.x System Requirements and Platform Support Guide.
The following operating systems are not supported in this release:
Support for the following operating systems will be discontinued in upcoming Foglight® release. We hope this notice of planned support changes helps you plan your upgrades.
Support for Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 8, 9, and 10 is discontinued as of this Foglight® release.
Microsoft ended the support for these versions on January 12, 2016. For more information, visit
Foglight includes a licensing capability that restricts access to those features that are defined in the license. All Management Server installations require a license that grants access to server-specific parts of the browser interface and the features associated with them. Foglight cartridges are also license-protected. While some cartridges are covered by the base Foglight license (such as Foglight Agent Manager cartridges and the Cartridge for Infrastructure), others may require an additional license.
To activate a trial or a purchased commercial license:
The Foglight 5.9.3 release package contains the following:
See the Foglight 5.9.x Installation and Setup Guide set for installation instructions.
Additional information is available from the following:
This section contains information about installing and operating this product in non-English configurations, such as those needed by customers outside of North America. This section does not replace the materials about supported platforms and configurations found elsewhere in the product documentation.
This release is Unicode-enabled and supports any character set. In this release, all product components should be configured to use the same or compatible character encodings and should be installed to use the same locale and regional options. This release is targeted to support operations in the following regions: North America, Western Europe and Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Far-East Asia, Japan.
This release has the following known capabilities or limitations: The server will be enabled for Global Operations, but not localized to any particular locale. Some legacy agents cannot support multi-byte locales.
We are on a quest to make your information technology work harder for you. That is why we build community-driven software solutions that help you spend less time on IT administration and more time on business innovation. We help you modernize your data center, get you to the cloud quicker and provide the expertise, security and accessibility you need to grow your data-driven business. Combined with Quest’s invitation to the global community to be a part of its innovation, and our firm commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction, we continue to deliver solutions that have a real impact on our customers today and leave a legacy we are proud of. We are challenging the status quo by transforming into a new software company. And as your partner, we work tirelessly to make sure your information technology is designed for you and by you. This is our mission, and we are in this together. Welcome to a new Quest. You are invited to Join the Innovation™.
Our logo reflects our story: innovation, community and support. An important part of this story begins with the letter Q. It is a perfect circle, representing our commitment to technological precision and strength. The space in the Q itself symbolizes our need to add the missing piece — you — to the community, to the new Quest.
For sales or other inquiries, visit
Technical support is available to Quest customers with a valid maintenance contract and customers who have trial versions. You can access the Quest Support Portal at
The Support Portal provides self-help tools you can use to solve problems quickly and independently, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Support Portal enables you to:
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